
Marcin M3 avatar image
Marcin M3 asked Jeanette F edited

stacker cranes arrange such a strange stock

Hi, I have a question: why do both stacker cranes arrange such a strange stock at the end of the rack.



FlexSim 21.0.2
flexsim 21.0.2asrspallet stackerstockagestock organization
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Jeanette F edited

Hello @Marcin M3,

If you examine your Find Slot activity then you will notice that your first query wouldn't return a slot because there is no LabelName on anything and the Any Slot seems to be returning the same slot. So there is just a large stack in one slot.

I changed your query to look for an available slot and the robots stack the boxes in the rack just fine.


Please examine these resources to help decide what query will work for your purpose.

Find Slot


scenario411-asrs.fsm (292.0 KiB)
5 |100000

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