
Haneen A avatar image
Haneen A asked Ben Wilson commented

Calculating staytime using zones 'startTime'


we are looking for a solution for the start time.

In the model, we want the time to start when the first bag from each group(cluster) enters the model no matter which conveyor it's on. and will end when the last bag for the group (cluster) gets pulled also no matter which conveyor it gets pulled off from.

What concerns us in this particular statistic is the total time for each group (cluster) not a particular passenger.

for example, the attached model has the first group of cluster 2 that will enter the model at a time of approximately 16 sec(as shown in pic1), and the last bag of this cluster is pulled at a time of approximately 290 sec(as shown in pic2), so the correct time should be approximately 274 sec. But it gives us 285sec and that's because the calculation of the start time of each groups(clusters) is wrong as shown in pic3.

how can we set the start time as mentioned above?

Thank u,




FlexSim 20.2.0
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pic2.png (828.8 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered

From examining your process flow, the first group 2 token enters at 5 seconds like you chart shows. You visually see it enter the model around 16 seconds. This delay in seems to be because the bags ahead it have to move down the conveyor before it can be seen.

I don't fully grasp what is going on because I don't see any connections from your floor storage that the bags are created in to the conveyors the bags move on. There also doesn't seem to be process flow that controls this either.

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