
Mischa Spelt avatar image
Mischa Spelt posted Mischa Spelt edited

FloWorks 2020 released - latest version 20.0.5 / 20.1.3

UPDATE (January 22, 2021): FloWorks 20.0.5 is now available. Except for critical bug fixes, this is likely to be the final bug fix release for FloWorks 2020. Please consider upgrading to FlexSim & FloWorks 2021.

UPDATE (December 23, 2020): FloWorks 20.0.4 is now available.

UPDATE (June 15, 2020): FloWorks 20.1.2 is now available.

UPDATE (February 4, 2020): FloWorks 20.0.1 is now available.

Talumis FloWorks for FlexSim

FloWorks 20.0.0 is now available (16 December 2019). This version of FloWorks is intended for use with FlexSim 2020.

If you are using FloWorks with FlexSim 2019 LTS, please use FloWorks version 19.0.8. If you are using FlexSim 2019 Update 2, please use FloWorks version 19.2.2.

All versions can be found in the Downloads section of your FlexSim account on the 3rd party modules tab. Please do not hesitate to report any bugs, usability improvements and feature requests to [email protected].

About FloWorks

FloWorks is a 3rd party module developed and maintained by Talumis BV ( It provides faster and more accurate modelling and calculation of fluid systems than the default FlexSim fluid library. It is especially useful within the oil, gas, and bulk industry both for production and supply chain optimization. This module requires a FloWorks license with active maintenance.

For any questions, please email [email protected].

Release notes

FloWorks 20.1.3 (20 August 2020)

  • All bug fixes included in FloWorks 20.0.2 below.

FloWorks 20.1.2 (15 June 2020)

  • Bug fix: Fixed exception in release of Flow To Item.
  • Bug fix: Removed internal output to console.
  • Bug fix: Removed redundant license check in old solver.

FloWorks 20.1.1 (23 April 2020)

  • Bug fix: Update script for FloWorks Custom Action activities.
  • Bug fix / improvement: Library grid updated.

FloWorks 20.1.0 (17 April 2020)

  • Release for FlexSim 2020 Update 1.

FloWorks 20.0.5

  • Bug fix: All products shown as black in some cases where product color table was broken.
  • Bug fix: Items would sometimes not exit from previously blocked Item To Flow.
  • Bug fix: Network solver gave incorrect result in some models using output ratios.

FloWorks 20.0.4

  • Bug fix: Flow conveyor sometimes lags because of unnecessarily many content blocks.
  • Bug fix: Removed redundant license check in model limit panel.

Backwards Compatibility Note:

The following change may change the way updated models behave.

  • Bug fix: Several issues in the network flow calculation resolved.
  • Bug fix: Flow pipe passes name instead of product ID in first On Product Out Change after reset.

FloWorks 20.0.3 (02 September 2020)

  • Bug fix: Input / output triggers were sometimes scheduled at infinity.

FloWorks 20.0.2 (20 August 2020)

  • Bug fix: Set content activity uses FlowTank in code header. Added "Max. content" option to picklist.
  • Bug fix: Process Flow activity did not correctly set relative output trigger amount.
  • Bug fix: Flow item tank reset content at end of warmup.
  • Bug fix: Adding Process Flow activity created module dependency.
  • Bug fix: Documentation for flow processor updated.
  • Bug fix: Update script for FloWorks Custom Action activities.
  • Bug fix / improvement: Library grid updated.
  • Bug fix: Fixed exception in release of Flow To Item.
  • Bug fix: Removed internal output to console.
  • Bug fix: Removed redundant license check in old solver.

FloWorks 20.0.1 (04 February 2020)

  • Bug fix: Fixed incorrect berth configurations.
  • Bug fix: Removed popup during startup.
  • Bug fix: MODE_RESTART_FALLING was sometimes incorrectly #defined the same as MODE_RESTART_RISING.
  • Bug fix: Several bug fixes and improved stability for the new (beta) solver.
  • Documentation: updated Tank trigger levels description.

FloWorks 20.0.0 (13 December 2019)

  • Feature: Added Process Flow activities for FloWorks.
  • Feature: Added Process Flow templates for Basic Berth and Tank Pool.
  • User request: Added option not to checkout FloWorks license.
  • Bug fix: Removed inconsistent behavior after (de)activating license.
  • Bug fix: Tank level trigger could cause event list to become unsorted.
  • Bug fix: Max. Object Depth setting in FloWorks charts was ignored.
FloWorksproduct announcement
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Justine Tan avatar image Justine Tan commented ·
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Mischa Spelt avatar image Mischa Spelt Justine Tan commented ·
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floworks.t (300.1 KiB)



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