
Mischa Spelt avatar image
Mischa Spelt suggested Jordan Johnson commented

Add PFM for combined utilization

Several customers have asked whether it is possible to add a performance measure on the total utilization of an object, defined as the sum of several states (e.g. travel empty, travel loaded, loading, ... but not idle, blocked, maintenance).

I figured out a way to get it right once, which is fairly complex: create a Pie Chart using the State Pie Template, set up the utilization calculation in the convenient interface, then Install the template, and add a performance measure along the lines of

  1. Table.query("SELECT
  2. SUM(Utilization) FROM [State Pie 1 Collector]")[1][1]

However, if I do want to include or exclude states later, I either have to re-do all these steps or manually change the calculation of the Utilization field in the statistics collector to add a line

  1. totalTime += state.getTotalTimeAt(2); // What do these magic numbers mean?

Anyway, what I'm getting at, is that it would be useful to add such a PFM in a more convenient way - for example by allowing PFMs to sample internal statistics collectors of charts; or at the very least allow the Table.query command to access them, so I don't have to Install the template but I can add a PFM directly for

  1. Table.query("SELECT
  2. SUM(Utilization) FROM COL:/[State Pie Chart]")[1][1]

or something like that.

statistics collectorperformance measuresutilization
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1 Comment

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson commented

In FlexSim 2018 Update 2 (currently in Beta), charts create performance measures, including the State Pie and State Bar charts. I suspect that feature fulfills this request, but let me know if it does not.

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