
anon-user avatar image
anon-user asked David Seo commented

How do I get a 3D visual into my .fsm data

In the attached data, the 3D visual is saved in "C: \ Program Files", so

3D visuals cannot be displayed on different computers.

How do I get a 3D visual into my .fsm data so that it can be viewed on different computers?

How can I verify that the 3D visuals have been captured in the .fsm data?

FlexSim 21.0.5
visual3d shapes3dshape3d objetcs3ds
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1 Answer

David Seo avatar image
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David Seo answered David Seo commented

anonymous user

If you set the 3d visual shape in the model, the visual shape is imbed automatically in the model file. So you need not consider of it for your user.

When you send only the model file to include the 3d shape which you set by email, the visual shape can be displayed in the model the user's PC flexsim.

When you make the model to include the 3d shape, you should place the 3d shape file in the working folder.

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