
Nicholas D avatar image
Nicholas D asked Ryan Clark commented

Batch Item Into Subnode of Subnode Level

Batching Question.fsmI am looking to combine a flow item into another flow items subnode of a subnode. I am looking to accomplish this without separating the existing batch and without the use of ProcessFlow. Is this possible to do? I've included an example model attached. In the example, I want the box packed into the cylinder, the cylinder packed into the sphere, then another box added to the cylinder (which is already packed into the sphere).

FlexSim 21.1.5
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

When items enter into the combiner, they will always be put into the container object (except the container itself of course). You can move them into a different object with the "moveobject" command afterwards.

In the attached model I do this in the "On Setup Finish" trigger, but other triggers are of course also possible.


  1. /**Custom Code*/
  2. Object current = ownerobject(c); // The object the triggers happens on - combiner
  3. Object item = param(1); // This is the container item
  5. // As long as there is more than one object directly inside the container...
  6. while(item.subnodes.length > 1)
  7. {
  8. // ... move the second object inside the container into the first
  9. moveobject(item.subnodes[2], item.first);
  10. }


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