
Stan Davis avatar image
Stan Davis asked Stan Davis commented

How to Create All Around Billboard With Text

I am attempting to create an 'All Around Billboard' that contains text, but I can't get the text to stay with the billboard.

Using this answer as a starting point...

I added text to a visual plane (the text is contained by the plane)...



However, when I change the plane's billboard mode to 'All Around Billboard ', I get this with the text still on the floor.


I tried another approach by simply adding a 'Screen Locked Billboard' text...


and then changing it to an 'All Around Billboard' but I just get a black panel...


So how does one create an 'All Around Billboard' with text that stays with the billboard??


FlexSim Help - Billboard Testing.fsm

FlexSim 21.2.3
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
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Jeanette F answered Stan Davis commented

Hello @Stan Davis,

I followed the advice given by Dawid Dabal and Phil Bobo in this post.

In either the slide or plane with text I created an On Draw trigger with the following code...

  1. current.rotation = [90+viewpointrx(view).value, 0, viewpointrz(view).value];


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Stan Davis avatar image Stan Davis commented ·
Thanks Jeanette. Greatly appreciated. - Stan
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