
Ines Rodrigues avatar image
Ines Rodrigues asked Jeanette F commented

How to create a pie chart for a queue to measure the the wait time?

I'm simulating a restaurant and i'm using a queue to simulate the eaiting line.The option "Wait for transport" doesn't work and it doesn't appear the option "staytime". There is another option to do that ?

FlexSim 21.1.5
dashboardsstate chartpie chart
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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered

Hey @Ines Rodrigues. A Pie Chart is not a good way to represent a measurement of time, I suggest using one of the other options for Staytime. By default, there's a Bar Graph, Histogram, Line/Dot Graph, and Chart. If there are other parameters or things you want to measure (like comparing the time the queue has something vs. the time it's empty), then maybe a pie graph would work. But for just measuring staytime, I recommend one of these (below).


example graphs.fsm

1654122619174.png (54.6 KiB)
example-graphs.fsm (31.7 KiB)
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