
Leah R avatar image
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Leah R asked Leah R commented

Is there a way to have a gantt chart for patients activity ?

Hello !

I know it is possible to create a gantt chart for ressources such as location or staff, bus is it possible to do the same for a patient ?

I would for instance like to have the states : "in transit", "receiving indirect care", "receiving direct care", "waiting for location", etc.

Thanks in advance,


FlexSim 22.0.1
FlexSim 20.0.10
gantt chartstate chart
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Jordan Johnson avatar image
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Jordan Johnson answered Leah R commented

The short answer is yes. If there is a state profile (which patients in HC happen to have), then you can make a gantt chart using that data. Here is an example model:


I made a custom statistics collector. If you find the stats collector in the tree, you can copy and paste it into any HC model, and it will work. It's complicated because I made it work for arbitrary models.

However, before copy/pasting, make sure that the FlexSim you are copying from is the same version as the one you are pasting to.

patientgantt.fsm (63.3 KiB)
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Adna L avatar image
Adna L answered

Hi, Leah!

You could use the "delay" from the task executer (On Process Flow) to view this states in the Gantt chart. I made a group with the task executers and reference it in the Gantt chart.

gantt chart for patient.fsm

There's a simple example to check. It helps?

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