
Ankur A3 avatar image
Ankur A3 asked martin.j edited

Wait for Event Based on Partition Content?

Hi Team,

I am working in object process flow to have separate buffer for both the objects. I want to check individual buffer for object and exchange the pallet.

I am using partition id to achieve it. But it is not working fine.


Can you help me to resolve this issue?

Thank you!

FlexSim 21.1.5
triggercontentpartition idcheck
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

Not really sure why this isn't working. I also tried it with a global list in a general process flow and it still didn't work. Might be a bug.

As a workaround you can listen to the general "OnContentChange" event and then check if the partition content has reached the target value in a Decide activity. Make sure that the connections coming from the Decide activity have the correct ranks.


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martin.j avatar image
martin.j answered martin.j edited

I just happend to be in a similar pickle as @Ankur A3 and I found another solution. With a wait for event you can listen for On Partition Content Change and set it to Decrease or Increase to specific values or just 0. However listen for event on partition only works if you use a Global list and only if you go to the General tab of that list and check "Track Number Fields Total".

I realize that is answer is close to a year too late, but I find it to be a bit neater than the proposed workarounds.WaitForListEmpty.fsm

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Ankur A3 avatar image
Ankur A3 answered Ankur A3 commented

Hi @Felix Möhlmann,

In my model, run sub flow will release 1 token once all token will be pulled. While check for wait for event if condition is not matching, token will be sent to sink and there is not other token available for exchange process.

I think we have to have event triggered source to make it happen.

Thank you!

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