
Lorenzo_pio G avatar image
Lorenzo_pio G asked Jeanette F commented

Applying reinforcement learning to a robot in flexsim


Hi! I need to apply reinforcement learning to the robot at the top of the figure. It has to pick up the boxes from the right queue and decide on which combiner to leave it, based on the number of boxes present on the pallet placed on the bottom combiner. As observation I am going to set the number of boxes on the pallet and as action the number of combiners to be chosen. How can I proceed?

FlexSim 22.1.3
robotreinforcement learning
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered

I recommend searching the forum for examples. Here is one. Since this is a new feature you will probably not find specifics but general ideas and concepts to help you learn and experiment with your reinforcement Learning.

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