
Zdenek K2 avatar image
Zdenek K2 asked Zdenek K2 commented

Single A* Barrier for multi-level A*Grid


I´ve got quite simple issue with the creating barriers in the grid of A*.

In the model below there are two A* grids, and single barrier (Rack, shape, w/e) Is it possible for this one object to restrict travel on both levels of grid?

Thank you for response!




FlexSim 22.2.1
astar navigatorbarriersgrid
test03.fsm (46.2 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Zdenek K2 commented

No - at the moment you need to add barrier matching the object's footprint for each floor. This could be automated. You can add it as a suggestion for improvement in the ideas section here.

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Zdenek K2 avatar image Zdenek K2 commented ·

Thank you, that is really incovinient and highly limits multi-layer usage of A*.

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