
Sam A8 avatar image
Sam A8 asked Sam A8 commented

Cad file and Decision points

I am changing model with my collogue and whenever its sent so me the cad file does not show, what i can do about it?

another question is that if two decision points are placed the first indicates that boxes with odd numbers go to the first station the second one that comes after it indicates that if the box color is red will go to the second station. my question is if the box was both odd and red which station will it go as when there is a case with more than one decision points placed for checking before distributing which one will direct of there is conflict or will they work in this case?


FlexSim 22.2.1
cad files
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ commented ·

Agree a common relative path to the model for your cad file if you store them locally - eg. "./layouts/<cadfilename>"

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Sam A8 avatar image Sam A8 Jason Lightfoot ♦ commented ·
I did not totally get it; you mean here I should also save the cad file in downloads in my pc so it can also appear?
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1 Answer

Jacob W2 avatar image
Jacob W2 answered

Hi @Sam A8,

@Jason Lightfoot's comment should help you with Keeping CAD files visible while sending the file between you and your collogue.

The two decision points will always send items to whichever station the second decision point routes the items to, no matter what the first decision point does. I would find a way to compare both pieces of information at the same decision point and only route the items at that point. I would probably use a global table with the colors values, and if the item is odd or even as the rows and columns. You can then better control where each item will go and clearly define what value decides where an item will be sent.


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