
Ivana Moric avatar image
Ivana Moric asked Jason Lightfoot edited

A* Navigation graphic issue

Hello everyone,

I have a graphical issue with the border of the A* Navigation grid.

After I set the border of the grid to be invisible, there have been weird colors appearing right where the top right corner of the grid would be. Also everytime I reset the simulation and give it a new try, the colors of the appearing band change and sometimes even the shape and length.

The issue didn't resolve by moving the grid, changing size of it or making the border visible again.

I'd appreciate a hint of what I might have been overlooking.


One Piece Flow_erweitert_mitSubflow.fsm

FlexSim 22.2.2
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

It seems to be related to the heat map. Turn that off and the issue will disappear.

You can also try an alternative heat map object.

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