
Sahil B3 avatar image
Sahil B3 asked Jeanette F commented

Truck not moving on a map when used process flow

I am trying to model truck movement on a map using the process flow. The goal is to create points on the Map using table, form road connection between them, and move a truck from one point to other.

I followed a couple of examples and was able to define the process flow. However, the task executor fails and does not appear on the map.

This goes away if I manually place points into the map. Then the travel part of the process flow works.


Thanks in advance!

FlexSim 22.2.1
proces flowmap
map-test.fsm (4.7 MiB)
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
1 Like"
Jason Lightfoot answered Kavika F commented

Don't create the taskexecuter in the GIS navigator. Just leave it in the model - your 'A' connection will assign the navigator

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