
Ajay M avatar image
Ajay M asked Ajay M commented

Despite items pushed to list on all Qs, AGV is unable to load them from all Qs

Hello Everyone,

I created a model with the help of flexsim from this question Now I'm dealing with a problem where the processflow logic is running well without any issues but I still can't figure out why the AGV in the model isn't loading the items from all the Qs on item available. Here i am using a global table for defining the pickup and dropoff points.

In the below picture, even items are avilable for pickup still AGV is resting in its parkpoint. It is the same with other 3 Qs on the left marked in Red and it is picking items from the Qs on right marked in Blue . Any Suggestion?

AGV Loading Qs issue.fsm


FlexSim 22.1.0
agvlist pull from listloading
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Ajay M commented

Q5, the queue in the top left in your screenshot is not pushing its items to the list and is also not assigning a destination in the OnExit trigger like the other queues do.

Furthermore, you have placed an Acquire activity within the looped part of the Process Flow without ever returning the resource. So the token will get stuck there when it tries to acquire the AGV a second time.

Since you have a single token that loops through the Process Flow, I don't really see the need for the AGV to also be defined as a resource, since there is currently no possibility of a second token interfering with the tasks. You could also just assign the reference to a label directly.

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