Suppose the Deallocation strategy for a control point is set to Trailing Edge.
When the AGV has a custom centroid (centroid value 2, with subnodes indicating the relative position of the center), it seems that the trailing edge is incorrectly calculated when the x-value is not equal to 0.5.
See the attached model, for instance, where the three AGVs have centroid [0, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] and [1, 0.5, 0.5], respectively. They all leave a control point with deallocation strategy "trailing edge + 1m". As you can see, they deallocate the control point when their trailing edge passes 0, 1 and 2 m respectively.
It seems like the deallocation always occurs after 1 m of travel.
Edit: as a workaround, I suspect that when centroid.x > 0.5, I can add (centroid.x - 0.5) * agvSize to the deallocation distance as a workaround... so I guess my two questions are
(1) is this a bug and
(2) is the formula for the workaround correct?