
Tyler Morrison avatar image
Tyler Morrison asked Jason Lightfoot edited

Down Behavior Moves Staff Members from Reset Position

I'm working on a model where I'm studying the utilization of staff members without moving them to the proper locations where their work is performed. One way I do this is by placing them into a grid and changing their color based on their state so that I can tell which staff members are performing which tasks. I'm using time tables and down behaviors to bring them off shift. When I do this, the down behavior is set to cause the staff members to move to their reset position, which should be the same as their current position since they don't move during the model run. However, every staff member moves when the down behavior is triggered. Why is this and how can I have all of them stay in the same spot when the down behavior is triggered? Attached is a simplified model illustrating my issue. Thanks in advance.Down Event Movement.fsm

FlexSim 23.0.6
time tablesobject positiondown behaviors
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

Instead of the reset position use this for the break location:

  1. downObject.getLocation(0.5,0.5,0)


If you do end up moving the staff and want them to return to the starting position you need this snippet - not the option in the picklist:

  1.     Vec3 pos=downObject.resetPosition.location;
  2.     pos.x+=downObject.size.x/2;
  3.     pos.y-=downObject.size.y/2;
  4.     return pos;

1681405642995.png (16.9 KiB)
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