
Jorge Lizárraga avatar image
Jorge Lizárraga asked Joerg Vogel answered

Floating objects in conveyor exit transfers


I'm having a problem using the conveyor module. There is a point where there is no more space in the conveyor to put a full object, but due to the fact there is still some space in the conveyor, the item goes through. Does anybody knows how to avoid this issue? This also happens when there is a conveyor without an exit transfer.


Jorge Lizárraga

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

It is your responsibility to test if an flow item fits to your object or not. There are reasonable approaches where you make your objects small to get an special feature but you don't want to see actual the object visually. A conveyor is dynamic storage and distribution system. Sometimes you need a visual realistic look and sometimes you need only the behaviour of the object, how the flowitems transfer over the system.

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