
Chawpan avatar image
Chawpan asked Natalie White commented

How to start combiner to combine on a specific time of a day?

Our simulation is similar to a passenger hub where passengers enters the bus and the bus leaves at a specified schedule or when the bus reaches maximum capacity.

We used combiner to combine 10 passengers and 1 bus. However, we can't identify what should be the settings since we want to have the combiner to finish combining at a specific schedule (e.g 6AM, 7AM, 8AM, ...) in which the bus will proceed to the queue. Also, we also want it to leave after reaching the maximum capacity of 10 passengers.

Case 1: The bus will leave when it reaches maximum capacity.

Case 2: The bus will leave at a scheduled time.

In our current model, the bus will start processing after it reaches its target quantity of 10 passengers, how can we make it to start processing even if it still not have 10 passengers or leave at a specified hourly schedule?

Here is our model Bus model.fsm

Thank you!

FlexSim 23.0.5
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Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Jeanette F edited

Hello @Chawpan,

Another solution is to use Process Flow to handle the combining of the Bus and People.

In your 3D model, I have the queues push flow items to a list and I switched the combiner for a processor.

I created a Global Table that contained the Departure Times of the Buses

Then in the process flow a token Loops through the table.


Starting with the first departure. The departure time is read and the time till departure is calculated. A Bus is pulled from the list and the People are pulled from a list with the Max wait timer that uses the time to departure value.



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bus-model-jf.fsm (469.7 KiB)
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel commented

A combiner is not made for this. It is more likely you can achieve this by a queue object and options within a queue. Max wait time and batch size. When first item arrives, you compute a value to remaining wait time to keep a departure for every hour. Otherwise the queue release all collected items, if batch size gets completed. If you still want to get a combiner involved items, you update a global table that will update a combiner components list on Entry trigger by an picklist template option. You can change the involved global table cell value on exit or on end collecting trigger of the queue. You should test it, which event suits you best.

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