
Raynan avatar image
Raynan asked Natalie White commented

occupy a mutilocation with the party group

modelpic.PNGprocessflowpic.PNGSimulação restaurante_2.fsmmodelpic.PNG

I had some problems with bugs previously in flexsim that some people here on the forum helped me to solve, but I still have a doubt that is involving the same subject. I would like to know if there is a way to make groups of people serve themselves and sit together in the same multilocation, having in mind a self-service restaurant as a model. The best I could do was make each person sit alone in a mutilocation. Below is the model and some images of the model and the process flow that I am creating. ( in the image you can see a single person occupying a mutilocatiion, when in fact I would like it to be occupied by a party group with the value of Math.ceil(gamma(0.0, 0.8, 2.2, 1)) % 6) + 1 )

(ps: some things in the model are in portuguese)

FlexSim 22.2.0
proces flowmultilocationparty groupself-service
modelpic.png (275.1 KiB)
processflowpic.png (55.5 KiB)
· 1
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

I've adjusted your Process Flow slightly to make this work. Each token that is created at the top represents a whole group of people (as an example I just assign a group size between 2 - 4). This token then creates as many 'person-tokens' as there are members in that group. Apart from the information about how large the group is these tokens are also assigned an ID number that is unique to that group.


Before acquiring a location, the tokens that belong to a single group are batched together into a single token using the quantity and ID values. The single token keeps references to all people in the group and moves them to the acquired location (and later exit) in subflows.



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capture2.png (28.5 KiB)
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