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Aries Vash asked Aries Vash answered

Creating a Flow Item Loop between Combiner and Separator in the Process Flow

Combiner & Separator.fsmI need help regarding the loop of flow items (Pallets/Trolleys) between a Combiner and Separator in my model. Initially, I create a Pallet/Trolley at the Combiner. The Combiner's input Port 1 is connected to the Separator's exit Port 1, forming a loop with the same flow item (Pallet/Trolley). The Combiner's input Port 2 is connected to a queue that contains items created in the process flow.

My question is: How can I achieve the same result in the process flow? If I remove the first input Port [1] of the Combiner, the input Port [2], which is connected to the queue, will become the new input Port [1]. The same situation applies to the Separator output port[1] to return the flow item by AGV to combiner. How can I create a loop for the flow of items (Pallets/Trolleys) in the process flow? Thank you for helping me out!


FlexSim 19.2.4
combinerseparatorsflow item loop
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1 Answer

Aries Vash avatar image
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Aries Vash answered

Thank you for the tip, the wait for event and pull from list got me thinking and tried it out and it works they way i want without using alot of port connection.

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