
Manikanta avatar image
Manikanta asked Jason Lightfoot edited

Mimic a Universal Robot

I basically wanted to mimic a universal robot. I am getting the real time joint angle values of the robot into Flexsim via an emulator MODBUS connection. The values are stored in Global table. Those values are updating every 1 second through a model logic. You can see from the image

Test Robot 2.fsm1690893574605.png

I basically want the Flexsim robot to simulate the Universal robot movements real time by getting the joints angle values from the global table.

Can someone help me how to mimic the robot

FlexSim 23.0.3
robotdigital twin
1690893574605.png (762.5 KiB)
test-robot-2.fsm (73.2 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

You'll find the joints under the drawsurrogate node of the robot. 1690897624701.png

You can set the rotation of each for the appropriate axis using

  1. joint.rotation.z=<value>

where 'joint' refers to the correct joint node and you specify the axis as x,y or z.

You can either perform this when you receive the data (best), on a tick/interval or when the robot draws using onDraw.

1690897624701.png (13.6 KiB)
· 5
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