
Lion avatar image
Lion asked Joerg Vogel edited

How to set when cars collisions [stop and count the number] of collisions?

How do you set it up when cars collide and want to stop and count the number of collisions?


This is my file.


FlexSim 18.0.10
traffic controlcollisionscountingcrashes
1700989844686.png (474.8 KiB)
10.fsm (35.0 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel edited

You handle collisions by agent system model tool. It was introduced for FlexSim version 20.0.

Earlier versions used an object collision system based on collision spheres and a time ticker system.

Please look for headline Collision Detection.

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Lion avatar image Lion commented ·

Now I have changed to the newest version. It clicks to set up the FlowItem Bin, right?

Which part is it in?

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