
Binh avatar image
Binh asked Jeanette F commented

Problem with combiner in specific order


I am a student at University, I am having a project about warehouse in flexsim. I have 3 racks with 3 different types of goods, 2 AS/RS pick up goods on the rack and pass them through the conveyor to pack with pallets by combiner so that: red pallet has 2 item A, 1 item B, 1 item C ; Green pallet has 1 item A, 2 item B, 1 item C. At the same time, when the combiner has not completed the packaging process, the items (A, B,C) are not allowed on the conveyor to combiner.

Can you guide me on how to set up flexsim to solve the above problem. It's really difficult for me because this is the first time I learn about Flexsim. I'm really grateful for your help!!!!


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