
BL avatar image
BL asked Jason Lightfoot commented

How can I can make the operator load each slot in rack

I set the rack with different item Type then I want to make the worker load each slot with the number of boxes that have loaded it put it in the processor and process the boxes as one process time (not each one separately)


FlexSim 23.2.3
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

One approach:

1) Set the Processor capacity to a large number

2) Set the Operator capacity to a large number.

3) Set the Operator breakTo to "Same Label" and set that to 'Type'

4) Set the Processor's pull requirement to pull labels that match a new 'Type' label on the processor by:

a) When current.Type is 0, set it to item.Type and return 1

b) When current.Type is non-zero, return 1 if the item and current Types match, zero otherwise.

5) When the last item exits the processor set the Type to zero and open the input to invoke the pull again.

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