
Tomi Kosunen avatar image
Tomi Kosunen asked Jordan Johnson commented

GIS Webresponse


I need to get the value from webResponses node: I need the string "url:,60.7636176963182;25.126391877717,60.4215668962423?geometries=geojson&overview=full"

How do I get the node values for all webResponses in the model?


FlexSim 23.2.0
webresponse.fsm (72.0 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Jordan Johnson commented

I think you need code like this:

  1. getsdtvalue(webResponsesNode.subnodes[i], "response")

From there, you could use JSON.parse() to create a Map and extract the data:

  1. treenode navigator = Model.find("GISNavigator");
  2. treenode webResponsesNode = navigator.find(">variables").subnodes["webResponses"];
  3. for (int i=1; i<=webResponsesNode.subnodes.length; i++){
  4. string response = getsdtvalue(webResponsesNode.subnodes[i], "response");
  5. Variant object = JSON.parse(response);
  6. print(object.routes[1].geometry.coordinates);
  7. }
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Tomi Kosunen avatar image Tomi Kosunen commented ·

Thanks @Jordan Johnson Now the code is returning the response from the GIS server. What if I need the query, I mean the string "url:,60.7636176963182;25.126391877717,60.4215668962423?geometries=geojson&overview=full"

How do I get that?

I have modified the routing logics quite a lot and I have routing server running on my own computer. For some reason the "function_s(c, "findWebResponse", url);" in downloadRoute is always returning <no path> . In my model I can see that there is a route with exactly same parameters already in the tree, so I'd like to find the webresponse by myself and there I need to know the existing query which I can then compare to new query.

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Jordan Johnson avatar image Jordan Johnson ♦♦ Tomi Kosunen commented ·

To get the url, use getsdtvalue(), but pass "url" instead of "response":

  1. getsdtvalue(webResponsesNode.subnodes[i], "url")

If I run the following code, the findWebResponse method works correctly in the model you posted:

  1. treenode navigator = Model.find("GISNavigator");
  2. string url = ",60.7636176963182;25.126391877717,60.4215668962423?geometries=geojson&overview=full";
  3. return function_s(navigator, "findWebResponse", url);

However, if you are making custom changes to the GIS navigator, it will be difficult to provide better support.

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