
IEThai avatar image
IEThai asked IEThai commented

Assign Label to Product in Loaded Item Container by Object

Hello. In this case I use Transporter to move pallet.

1707103939342.pngI has add label to each Transporter for specity Coar No. 1 to 3. So, When Transporter load pallet.

How to assign label "Car_No" from Tranporter to all product on pallet (4 box on pallet).

I has attached model file here. Thank You.

Assign Label from TE to Product in Loaded Container.fsm

FlexSim 23.1.4
packingassign label
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered IEThai commented

You iterate over all items on your container and set a label.
The container is itself is the item, which loads your transporter.

You do this in a loop structure upon On Load event:

Process Flow: Run Sub Flow activity.
Trigger in Taskexecuter: Code snippet or source code editor a for loop. Or by command forobjecttreeunder. By this command you get access to each object from your container treenode by function called simply “a”.

If you want to read the content of your pallet instead of telling your code it is statically 4, you do this by treenode properties subnodes.length .

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