
J avatar image
J asked Paula LG commented

How to track from-to of flowitem

The process is below:

1. Source1 -> Queue1 -> Queue2 (Label 1)

2. Source2 -> Queue1 -> Queue3 (Label 2)


Is there any way to create a global table as below?


FlexSim 24.0.1
tablestracking flowitem
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1 Answer

Paula LG avatar image
Paula LG answered Paula LG commented

Hi J,

A way of doing that is using an "On Entry" trigger for all the queues. Inside the trigger, you have to choose "Data → Add Row and Data to Global Table" and configure it like this:


You should also set the table so that all the rows are deleted On Reset.

I attach a small model to better illustrate how all of that works: 24.0 Track FromTo.fsm

I hope it helps!

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