
Manikanta avatar image
Manikanta asked Jeanette F commented

UR5e robot simulation

Hi I am trying to simulate UR5e robot in flexsim by using animation editor, I replaced the joints of original flexsim robot model to UR5e one as you can see in the picture.


But I am facing the problem with the rotation of joints, as robot's J2, J3, J5 are not moving as intended




Please help me so that the rotation of the flexsim robot can mimic UR5e robot. I am attaching Flexsim file for your reference as well. 2nd robot try with obj.fsm

FlexSim 23.0.11
digital twinrobotsur5e
1708959375265.png (296.6 KiB)
1708959516357.png (292.3 KiB)
1708959545801.png (291.4 KiB)
1708959575497.png (288.2 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

Please search this site for workarounds in animating this robot. Since it's joint configurations don't match those of the default robot in FlexSim I'm pretty sure this cannot be 'modelled' in full at the moment.

· 2
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