
Titli D avatar image
Titli D asked Titli D commented

How Operators can move to other stations where Robot loads or unloads

I have a model, where the load and unload is done by robot. I have 4 human operators who are standing infront of the stations for only processing, they do not do load and unload. I have to create a model, where as soon as the robot comes to a station to load or unload, the operator should immediately move to the Station_Front and come back again when the robot finish the load or unload. Please help me on this

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Titli D commented

3D Model. When the robot receives a Tasksquence, he checks if the loadstation is a processor. If it is so, then he inserts a delay task as the first task. In this duration the operator leaves the processor and travels to a safe network node.



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