
Trex avatar image
Trex asked Adrian Haws commented

Is there any option to use he robot as welding robot

Can we make the usage of the gripper robot into welding robot

FlexSim (other - please specify)
FlexSim (other)
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
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Sam Stubbs answered Adrian Haws commented

If you're trying to use a robot as an operator during a processor's process time (to simulate the idea of a welder) There's an answer here on the forums that covers that perfectly:

"Can a robot be used as a processor (or be connected to a processor as an operator)?"

If you'd like the animations or visual appearance of the robot to look more like a welding robot you can right click on the robot and under Edit > Animations, you can adjust the look and appearance of the robot, and animate it using keyframes. You can hide certain parts (like the clamp) to also make it look more like a welder.

welderrobot.png (94.7 KiB)
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