
Maryam H2 avatar image
Maryam H2 asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Wall Footprinter

Hi - I used the Wall Footprinter in my model for visual clarity based on this post: However, after running the model for about two weeks, I see it runs slowly. When I recorded the performance profiler, I see that the yellow area shows the Wall Footprinter, but the number of hits is low. What does this mean?

Also, to remove the Wall Footprinter, is it sufficient to delete the node from the model tree since I cannot locate it under the library/toolbox?


FlexSim 24.1.0
runtimeperformance profilerwall footprinter
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

Yes you can delete it - it's just the OnDraw code that is being called. I've also noticed that you have dividers under all your walls - that seems like unnecessary duplication.

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