
Jouky D avatar image
Jouky D asked Jouky D edited

Time Plot Color Split By joins points of the same color split value

Hello everyone:D

I built a Statistic Collector with some columns. You can find the statistic collector on the left and the time plot on the right.


However, when I don't check the column Estado on Color Split By, this is the result (that is the expected result without Estado colors):1710252168588.png

The expected result with colors could be something like:


The "Estado" A joins its final point to the next Estado A, even though we have Estado B, C and D between them.

I tried to put an activity scanning trigger event, but the final point of the "Estado A" and the first one of Estado A on the future, are joined. Any idea of what's happening?

Thank you:)

FlexSim 23.1.2
statistics collectortime plotcolor split
1710252087527.png (54.9 KiB)
1710252168588.png (50.4 KiB)
1710252319843.png (26.1 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Jouky D edited

Splitting the data by a column means that you essentially draw multiple independant graphs into the same chart, one for each unique value in the chosen column.

What you show in your last picture is not really possible in FlexSim. Each line segment would need a unique column value and each point would have to exist twice, once as the end point of the previous segment and once as the start of the next.

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