
Mohamed Eldakroury avatar image
Mohamed Eldakroury asked Mohamed Eldakroury commented

Schedule source by Global table

I have a a schedule source in the process flow and I have a demand table. Every week, my source will create tokens that have 3 different Models. I want the source to use quantities from a global table. The tricky part is that my demand table is in months, but I want the source to create tokens every 7 days.


I want the source to use the first column for the first 4 weeks, the second column for the next 4 weeks and so on. I am having troubles referring to the correct column and row in the global table, and even if that worked, not sure how to make it use the first column for the first four weeks, then switch to the next column.

I'm assuming I need a tracked variable that increments every four weeks, then use that as my column reference?


FlexSim 23.2.0
global tableproces flowschedule
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schedulesource.fsm (48.3 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Mohamed Eldakroury commented

It find it is often times easier/clearer to use multiple steps instead of trying to fit everything into one activity or flow.

I would create one token per row in the table. These tokens then create the required number of tokens per type every week.

To get the correct column you could access the current month in the model through the DateTime class (then account for the offset because your table starts with march).



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