
amandaprado avatar image
amandaprado asked Ben Wilson edited

Result Process Flow x 3D Model

Could someone explain to me why the results in the 3D Model and in the process flow are different, given that the arrival time and processing time are the same? I can not understand.
FlexSim 24.0.1
process flowmodel
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1 Answer

João Dias avatar image
João Dias answered Ben Wilson edited

Hi Amanda, how are you?

The results are different because the processor in 3D can only process one item at a time, while in Process Flow, Delay can process more than one token (item) at a time, so if the item arrival time was less than the processing time, Process Flow will produce more items, because Delay processes more than one token at a time, unlike the 3D processor.
As shown in the image, where there is one item in the processor in 3D and two items (Tokens) in the Process Flow Delay.

I hope I've solved your question!

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amandaprado avatar image amandaprado commented ·

Thank you so much for clarifying my doubt.
I understood perfectly.

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