
Stain avatar image
Stain asked Guldberg commented

Make items staying place on racks

supermercato.fsmHello to everyone!

I have a simulation in which I create items on a rack, and then an operator take a specific item from this one.

Altough, I would like that items stored in racks, when the operator take the flowitem, does not change position and stay in place.

Is there a way to do this?

Thanks for everyone who will reply at this post :)

FlexSim 24.1.0
supermercato.fsm (95.9 KiB)
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Guldberg commented

You can deactivate this bevahiour in the Storage System properties (found in toolbox after a storage object was added to the model).


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Stain avatar image Stain commented ·

Thank you so much Felix <3, but I have another doubt that I would like to ask to you!

If I have a tote with some boxes inside it, how can I take or put the products inside without moving it, directly adding them into the tote?

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Stain commented ·
If you load/move an item from inside the tote, the tote should not move. Similarly, if you unload to the tote, it will also not move.

It all just a question of refering to individual items inside the tote. How that can best be achieved will depend on what you have build so far.

In general, lists are a powerful tool to manage inventory.

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Stain avatar image Stain Felix Möhlmann commented ·
And how can I put an item inside the tote, without moving it from the rack?
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Guldberg avatar image
Guldberg answered

If you want the item to stay you have to create something else for the operator to pickupsupermercato_new object.fsm

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