
Doris C avatar image
Doris C asked Doris C commented

Elevator Logic crash


I made a model using the elevator, but I have a problem, so I think I need to change the elevator logic or add a trigger.

The situation in question is as follows.

A task executor who moved from zone a to zone is in conflict with a task executor who tries to move from zone a to zone when he/she moves back to zone a after completing the work in zone a.

However, it is not possible to apply two paths instead of one.

I tried to apply the control area, but it didn't work.

Here's how I want to implement it.

When a task executor is moving from zone a to zone and there is a task executor trying to move from zone to zone a, the task executor in zone a waits until the task executor from zone a escapes from the elevator and gets on the elevator.

I'm attaching the model together, so I'd appreciate it if you could help me.


FlexSim 24.1.0
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Doris C commented

I modified the AGV Elevator Process Flow to block entry from the other direction while an AGV is travelling on the upper path. The changes do still allows multiple AGVs to use the path at the same time, if they are travelling in the same direction.

To achieve this I added a new list that contains the redirectCPs on the lower floor. When an AGV arrives, it must first pull the CP it is arriving at from the list (leaving it on the list though). Afterwards it pulls the redirectCP of the other elevator from the list, blocking any tokens from that side from progessing. It then creates an extra token that waits for the exit of the AGV on the other side. Once this happens and the zone it was previously in is empty (no AGVs on upper path), the CP is pushed back to the list allowing AGVs from the other side to continue.

I use centerport-connections to refer to relevant CPs based on the redirectCPs the AGV arrives at. So maybe have the connections active when going through the logic to get a better idea of what is happening.


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Doris C avatar image Doris C commented ·

Thanks to you, I solved the problem and I think I can solve it in this way from next time.

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