
mm_y_2406 avatar image
mm_y_2406 asked Logan Gold commented

finding slot in the same type

using elevator to pick an item out_2.fsmI am trying to send items to the slot according to their type. For example, if the Level 1, Bay 1 is occupied with item labelled type 1, then the remaining items that enters the same bay and level should be the same type. however, if the the bay/level is empty, then any type can enter that row. Do you know how can I go around with this?

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Jeanette F avatar image Jeanette F ♦♦ commented ·

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Logan Gold avatar image Logan Gold ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @mm_y_2406, was Joerg Vogel's answer helpful? If so, please click the "Accept" button at the bottom of the question. Or if you still have questions, add a comment and we'll continue the conversation.

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Felix Möhlmann commented

You will add a two step approach. Find a slot matching with Type and then if slot variable is stlll NULL then you choose a slot that does not contain any assigned slot item. There are several given answers here for each single condition alone. Please combine them yourself.

slot.slotItems[1].item.Type = $1.Type

Get matching label called Type on first slotItems item label and compare it with a passed external parameter assigned as item reference in special identifier $1 into the string query clause.

'$' keywords

in reference manual there is the label completely passed in and not just the item reference.

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mm_y_2406 avatar image mm_y_2406 commented ·

using elevator to pick an item out_3.fsmI added the query on find slot activity but it seems to be giving an error. 1720455537969.png

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann mm_y_2406 commented ·

To check if the type of the first slot item matches, there must of course be a slot item. So first check if this is the case in the query. You can also define multiple queries in a single Find Slot activity. The second one will only be run if the first one is unsuccessful.


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mm_y_2406 avatar image mm_y_2406 Felix Möhlmann commented ·

Hi Felix, thank you for that. It works now but I encountered another problem. It seems like there is one box in there that does not recognise that it has entered the wrong bay. I have tried several methods to have the token come in 1 by 1 rather than at once but it seems like this one token still went to the wrong slot. using elevator to pick an item out_3.fsm1720511666196.png

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