
pabloco avatar image
pabloco asked pabloco commented

How can I make a conveyor prioritize between two outputs?

I have an oval-shaped conveyor. On one side, an operator places a box on the conveyor, and on the other end, another operator removes the boxes. What I need is for the boxes to keep circulating on the conveyor if one operator is busy. I've tried to do this, but when I connect both ends, the software doesn't recognize the operator.

FlexSim 24.1.0
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered pabloco commented

If the Exit Transfer is not the final connection along the length of the conveyor, you need to send items to it. Otherwise it will be ignored.


conveyor-loop.fsm (49.7 KiB)
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pabloco avatar image pabloco commented ·

thank you very much, it was what I needed.

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