
fiz avatar image
fiz asked fiz commented

Pull from list using Query issue

Hi, I have queues from list 'Empty slots in Transfer Area(s)'. whenever each of the queues are being pull from the list, it wll be assign a label of 'TrolleyAreaRequest'. the labels are as such,

for the transfer areas that is being pulled and have a
a) TransferAreaID of 1 or 2, TrolleyAreaReq will be 1
b) TransferAreaID of 3, TrolleyAreaReq will be 3

TrolleyAreaReq will then indicate which trolley it will pull from Trolley Area as I will match up the TrolleyAreaReq and TrolleyAreaID, however i everytime i do it it generates an error > is it not the correct method of doing?


the whole idea of this in summary is so that the blue trolley area is fed to the subsequent blue arrow areas as well as for the red one


simulation model - outdated

Hi do refer to the updated sim model file below
latest sim model

FlexSim 21.0.10
list pull from list
1721640791576.png (104.3 KiB)
1721641167799.png (73.0 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered fiz commented

"token" is not defined inside the query. Expressions that you can use in a query are value (the thing on the list that gets queried), puller (the object doing the pulling) and any list fields that are defined in the list's properties.

The "Puller" field of the Pull From List activity defines who the puller is, in this case the token. So long story short: Replace "token" in the query with "puller".

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fiz avatar image fiz commented ·

That works for my model Felix, Thank you!

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