
Tim avatar image
Tim asked Tim commented

About the trigger

Hello, everyone. I have a problem.

Purpose: I send some pallets to the location of DP1 as a queue from which I can pick up any number of pallets when I want to call them.

Symptom: The first tray can be normally sent to the loading point loading box, but the second tray cannot be sent (resume item)

Question: In fact, I know that because only the bottom pallet starts the arrival trigger of DP1, even if I move down to the same position using kinematics, the second pallet cannot have the same function as the first pallet. In other words, stop item is only for the first tray, and the same goes for resume item. So it cannot continue to send pallets. So what's the solution?

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @Tim,

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Tim avatar image Tim Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·

TThank you, Jason Lightfoot. I don't have a license. I'm a simulation enthusiast. Unfortunately I can't solve this problem. Thanks for the heads up.

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Tim avatar image Tim commented ·

Excuse me. I really want to know how to solve this problem. Is there anyone who can help me?

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Tim commented

You need to move items onto a conveyor through an entry transfer for them to move along the conveyor.

Your model currently also does not handle the case when the last pallet is pulled.

Here's an updated version of your model. I create the pallets in the Process Flow, so they are nested inside each other from the start which makes moving the remaining pallets down easier. Since that token has a reference to all pallets anyway, I also removed the pallet list.


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Tim avatar image Tim commented ·

Thank you. That's exactly what I wanted to achieve! Thank you very much. This question has been bothering me for a long time. You helped a student who loves to learn. This is respectable!

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