
Rocio A avatar image
Rocio A asked Rocio A commented

Pick up parts from storage


In this model that I attach, according to the process flow, you must go to the slot where the item is located on the rack and pick it up.

But as you can see, the tanker does not go into the shelves. He approaches the edge of the shelf and the item jumps onto the toto in the Transporter.

How can I make the cart driver go to the rack slot corresponding to the location of the item and then load it into the tote that is in the Transporter?

Another question I have is that in the RackLig processflow when creating an object I put 50 units, but when running there are no 50. Can you help me?

Thanks in advance.


FlexSim 24.1.1
process flowwarehouseloadinstances
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1 Answer

jc avatar image
jc answered Rocio A commented


1. For the first problem, the one of the Transporter just going to the rat instead of the specific part you an just replace "token.Pieza.up" by "token.Pieza", because token.Pieza.up is the rack, so the transport will only approach the rack and then the next task, "move object", will be performed.
You can also add a "load" activity after the "travel":
1729842743642.pngand move the object into the tote afterwards. And this way the transporter will also do the animation of growing up to reach the part.

2. Regarding the other problem, each rack is creating 50 objects indeed. Maybe you cannot see it because in the "find slot" activity you are not specifying in which rack you want them to be created. Therefore in some racks there may be more than 50 and in another one less. If you want them to be created in the same rack you need to modify the find slot query.

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Rocio A avatar image Rocio A commented ·

and how should I do it?

Thank you

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jc avatar image jc Rocio A commented ·

If I'm not mistaken it would be like this:

"WHERE Type == $1.Caja.Type AND = $2 ORDER BY RAND()"

and you need to add these params:

$1 token
$2 token.instance


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Rocio A avatar image Rocio A Rocio A commented ·

Thank you!!

Now it does.

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