
jacopo-r avatar image
jacopo-r asked jacopo-r commented

MultiLocation not working properly when changing the orientation


in the attached model you can find an example of the issue I am having.

I drag a MultiLocation in my model, and I resized to 3 chairs. So far so good. I can have a person acquiring the location and sitting on one of these chairs. The problem arises as soon as I want to change the orientation of the chairs, and now the person does not seat properly on a chair.

Is there any way to easily fix this so I can multiple groups of 3 chairs and orient them as I wish without having the people seating on the air?

Thank you in advance!


FlexSim 24.0.1
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered jacopo-r commented

This issue only applies to staff. Patients (non-persistent people) are moved into the location object so their rotation is relative to the chair and their position ends up being correct after the animation is run. Staff however remain in the model (so they are not deleted if the model were to be reset while they are sitting on the chair). An oversight in the logic of the "Walk" activity prevents the rotation of the chair from being applied correctly to the person. The chair itself is a drawsurrogate object of another object - the multilocation. So it's own rotation is 0 and the rotation of the multilocation is not taken into account.

The fix itself is pretty easy. It only requires to change one line in the inner flow of the "Enter Location" activity.




The change will be reset whenever the model is saved though, because FlexSim restores a clean version of the inner flows at that point.

You can make a copy of the flows and use them through Run Sub Flow activities instead of the default activities.


I'll leave a mention of @Jordan Johnson here. Hopefully this can get fixed in one of the next updates.

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