
Marcopollo avatar image
Marcopollo asked Marcopollo commented

How to make operator transport to a specific queue based on label type?

I have a model with two processors. Two different types of items are processed with one processor and two different types of items are processed with the other processor. I would like an operator to be involved with the setup and processing of processor 1 and transport the two different item types to there respective packing area. Then go back to processor 2 and setup and process the two different item types and pack them in there respective packing area. How would I do that with the current model I have?

Flexsim model 1.fsm

FlexSim 21.0.10
flexsim-model-1.fsm (101.1 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Marcopollo commented

The transport task sequence is generated after the operator would have already started another pending task sequence. You need to allow it to preempt other tasks for it to be done ahead of the processing on the other machine.


Note that the "Use Operator" option for the setup and process does not officially support having more than one item on the processor at a time. In this case it can be made to work since the items are created at the same time and the second can thus immediately enter the processor once the first starts processing.

You do need to close the input of the processor until it is completely empty again, hough. Otherwise the logic would eventually break, once there is a backlog of items on the conveyor.


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