
CHRISTIAN B3 avatar image
CHRISTIAN B3 asked Jeanette F commented

Move Flow item into TaskExecuter's animation object

MoveFlowItemIntoAnimationObject - 24.fsm

In this small model we have a tray animated object belonging to an AGV TE.

My final objective is to be able to animate the box flow item accordingly to the tray object animation, without using kinematics.

I thought that if I could be able to unload the box, not into the TE, mas into the animatable object (orange tray), the rest would follow.

Is it possible to move/unload the flow item into the animated object ?

I created the object reference like below but gives the error message: "Invalid down cast, Object is not an instance of the target type".


Thank you

FlexSim 24.2.2
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1 Answer

Lucas Klein avatar image
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Lucas Klein answered Joerg Vogel commented

The feature that you are looking for, is called DrawSurrogate, it allows you to replace a surrogate item inside your custom animation with a flowitem from your model without direct coding.

At the link below you can find more info about how to use and configure the drawSurrogate inside animations:

You can also look for example models here in the answers forum that uses draw surrogate.

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