
Sebastien avatar image
Sebastien asked Sebastien commented

Is there an event when a flow item on a conveyor is moving again ?

Hi !
I am trying to get the information when a flowitem stops on a conveyor and when it moves again. I can do it when the stop process originates from the process flow but when the item is stopping because of another stopped item in front of it I don't get the information.

I think the "On Item Bump" events is what I want concerning the stop but I can't find a similar event when it moves again.

I tried to get the change of speed of the conveyor but conveyor.currentspeed is always displaying the moving speed also the item is stopped on it.

Is there an event for when a flowitem moves again on a conveyor after a stop or a similar trick ?

FlexSim 24.1.0
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Sebastien commented

The "On Item Bump" event gives you the items in the "front slug" and the "back slug" as arrays. The first item in the front slug will be the one that was stopped originally. So you could try to create a token that listen for the resume command to that first item for each item in the back slug. When the first item moves again, the others will as well.

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Sebastien avatar image Sebastien commented ·
Thank you @Felix Möhlmann

This works in my case as I always know when an item is resumed via the process flow.

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