
jgarber22 avatar image
jgarber22 asked jgarber22 commented

Reset causes Wait for Event to break

I have a model with some Wait for Event actions (e.g. Wait for Unloading at Car) that, once configured seem to work fine, but then when I reset the model it no longer seems to work. Not sure what the issue is. I have to go back and configure it with the eyedropper every time I reset which has been tedious. FVLa14.fsm

Any advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated!

FlexSim 24.2.2
wait for event
fvla14.fsm (15.9 MiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered jgarber22 commented

I don't see any changes to the "Wait for Unloading at Car" activity when I reset the model. It won't work the way it is currently configured though. The "Token" event parameter is a pointer to the token that exited the activity. It can never match the number label you put into that field.

Since the token that goes through the activity is not the puller itself but a child token of it, you could use the following structure:


capture1.png (53.3 KiB)
capture2.png (48.3 KiB)
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5 |100000

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jgarber22 avatar image jgarber22 commented ·

FVLa16.fsmThank you very much for your quick response. This is helpful and mostly seems to be working now....I am still having an issue though when I have a token that pulls multiple list entries, and is therefore token.pulled in an array. Any suggestions on how to fix?1733497295809.png

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fvla16.fsm (15.9 MiB)
jgarber22 avatar image jgarber22 jgarber22 commented ·
Disregard, a simple reference to "puller" in the respective Wait for Event action was sufficient as there was no subflow/child here. Thanks again.
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