
JulHa avatar image
JulHa asked JulHa commented

Opening port is not working

Hello together,

I created a trigger (at the processor Fueller_Verschliesser), to close input when die Queue "Wartebereich" is filled up and open when it's getting empty.

The input stopps but it doesn't open again. Can anyone help me with this?

The fsm.-file is attached

Best regards,


PPS Brauerei 8 Losgröße 10.fsm

FlexSim 25.0.0
triggersclose and open ports
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1 Answer

Sebastián Cañas avatar image
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Sebastián Cañas answered JulHa commented

Hi @JulHa ,

It doesn't work because you open again the input port of the Processor On Exit event, however, if the input it's already closed that event will never happen. I'll suggest to set the logic to open again the input port of Fueller_Vershliesser in the On Exit trigger of the Wartebereich object.

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JulHa avatar image JulHa commented ·

Thank you very much!! Such an easy solution. I haven't thought about it.

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