
Gilles avatar image
Gilles asked Paula LG edited

change a flexcript node from a code


I am trying to change the process time of a processor using a script.


I am able to access the node but my changes are not considered.

here is my code


FlexSim 23.2.0
scriptprocess timetreenode
1734681215297.png (11.4 KiB)
1734681432676.png (19.7 KiB)
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1 Answer

Paula LG avatar image
Paula LG answered Paula LG edited

Hi Gilles,

I've tried this code on a dummy and it works just fine:

  1. string processTimeAuto = "Object current = ownerobject(c);\nObject item = param(1);\nreturn 3600/Table(\"GlobalTable1\")[1][1];";
  2. treenode myNode2 = Model.find("Processor1>variables/cycletime");
  3. myNode2.value = processTimeAuto;
  4. switch_flexscript(myNode2,1);
  5. buildnodeflexscript(myNode2);

It looks like the problem was the way of assigning the string to the node.

I hope it helps!

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